Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sunday Morning Kick-Off

As we have been preaching through the vision of Bend City Church this summer and fall we have been looking forward to the time when we would have a full worship team, children's church, and nursery on Sunday mornings. Slowly we've been adding the different elements to our Sunday gatherings, one step at a time. At the same time, we've taken 3 able men through some leadership training as our next small group leaders.

As we've grown as a church body in these areas, we've tabbed Sunday, October 24th as a kick-off Sunday for Sunday services. The reason we are having a kick-off service is to give a special emphasis on inviting those we hope to one day be a part of our local church. The truth is, Bend City Church is already a church, a small local church at this point and we want to see people know Jesus and come to be a part of our fellowship.

The past few weeks we have started the children's ministry meeting on Sunday. For the time being, the topic has been the life of David and what God can teach us through the man that the word says was "after God's heart."

The next few weeks will see a few changes in the church:
1. Scott and Lisa Christophersen will be starting a small group on Monday nights in their home.
2. We will begin practicing with a full worship team and have that team lead the worship on Sunday mornings.

God has been doing a great thing in the church and we've been excited to see the fruit of His work in our lives. That's all for now.-Shane

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Message Sunday 9/19/2010

Hey guys,

It was very hard to hear the prayers for the leaders so we faded out after the teaching.

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Look

You may have noticed the new look.  We changed to a different template - one which gave us more flexibility so that we could fit the podcast feature to the right.